Far Corners Ministry works predominantly in the northern part of the state of West Bengal, and occasionally has programs in eastern Nepal. Our purpose is to support and facilitate the vision of local leaders as they impact their neighborhoods by imitating Christ and ministering to the needs of the entire person.
Training & Church Construction
In this unique part of the country, surrounded by Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and Bangladesh, great numbers of people are coming to know Christ and many churches are forming. However, many church leaders do not have the opportunity to go to college or seminary, yet they need and desire leadership training. Far Corners Ministry provides short-term theological training sessions for local pastors and lay leaders. We seek to strengthen local believers by encouraging fellowship and personal spiritual growth through conferences for men, women, and youth, and through ministry to children. More recently we are assisting church leaders to access formal theological education that will better equip them in their local ministries.
Many congregations meet in structures made of thatched bamboo walls with mud floors. Far Corners Ministry has partnered with several congregations to build sturdy, modest churches. This gives them a secure, safe, and more permanent place to meet. In other situations, the partnership is used to help needy congregations finish church buildings that they have begun and not had the means to finish, often being used in an unfinished state for years. There are other congregations that need help to expand their buildings to accommodate growing church families.
Helping People in Need
Through our local partners we encounter many opportunities to help those who are very poor. Through both planned and spontaneous gifts, we are able to provide for tangible everyday needs. This can be something small but impactful such as a mosquito net or a blanket for someone who has none. We provide school fund sponsorships for pastor’s children so that they can receive an adequate standard of education, or tutoring to upgrade their studies. We also provide modest monthly support to a growing number of pastors working in a variety of settings, from city locations to village outreach areas. There are presently ten pastors in this program. Through a local partnership in West Bengal, Far Corners Ministry is helping to fund a faith-based kindergarten and classes for special needs children. Through this same partnership we have done various projects to provide a better life for families - ranging from community development project of crop production to vocational training. During the past two years, as people were greatly impacted by the hardship of pandemic lockdowns, Far Corners Ministry donors responded in a wonderful way to provide emergency food relief to hundreds of families. Our latest initiatives include establishing an agricultural business that will provide local leaders with options for more self-reliance.
Far Corners Ministry is a recognized charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) and an associate member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) - CRA # BN 812210615 RR0001.