February 2021
Dear Friends in Mission,
Enclosed is your 2020 income tax receipt, and with it comes our sincere thanks for your continued support of our ministry! It has been a very unusual year, with most travel stopped, economies shut down, and people living with the very real threat of a world-wide pandemic and all its effects on daily life.
As we sent out an appeal for emergency food relief in India, we were amazed at the generosity of so many individuals and churches here in Canada who gave generously to this need. Thank you to all who were a part of this practical expression of love! Despite the uncertainties of the pandemic, our donor base has remained stable and committed. Though we have not been able to go to India, all our other avenues of ministry have continued. The new church building that was supposed to be opened in March 2020 experienced some delays but was finally ready and dedicated in December 2020. Below you can see a picture of it near completion. The motorcycle project for pastors which we first mentioned last January just received its final funding, and now those pastors are getting their new transportation which will greatly help their ministries.
Also pictured above is one of our newly sponsored pastors. He is an experienced and dedicated pastor who is a man of prayer. Next month we will also begin supporting two more pastors, thanks to new monthly donors. If you are interested in becoming a monthly donor, please contact us, as there are always additional needs. Planning has started for some new agricultural projects that will help our pastors work towards becoming more self-reliant in the future. We will have more to share about this in our next newsletter.
The shutdown of our website has been extended for now, as we want to protect our partners and projects from unnecessary anti-Christian attention. The website email – info@farcornersministry.org – is still active and can be used for communication and donations through direct e-transfers. We hope to be able to visit many of our supporting donors and churches later in 2021. Thanks again for your prayer and financial support!
Yours in the Lord’s service,
Rev. Dr. Shant Manuel,
Executive Director, Far Corners Ministry